Monday, April 6, 2009

The Tools and My Baseline

I suppose I should talk about what sorts of things I am going to use, besides this blog, to help with my weight loss goals. Where I live, the nearest Gym is about half an hour away and after I get done working, I just want to go home. Everything I am using I have in my home, or I will come up with a novel substitution if I have to.

The Shoes - I guess I should start there, given the name of the blog and all. I have a simple pair of Cross Trainers that i bought at an outlet store. I have only worn them in my house and use them expressly for the treadmill.

The Treadmill - I have an simple treadmill that my wife and I spent part of a tax return on a few years ago. It has some settings to help very the workouts and I can control the angle of the treadmill as well as the speed. It also has a book shelf that I set my iPod on and a fan.

The iPod - I gotta have my tunes. I am always on the lookout for new tunes, so, if you have any suggestions....

The Wii - We have a Wii and the Wii Fit. I will use that also, but, for the purpose of this blog, I will use my bathroom scale for weighing myself.

The Bowflex - We bought this at about the same time as the treadmill. I will work this into my routine as well.

The Water Bottle - This may seem like a no brainer, but, I have noticed since I have stopped drinking things like soda, I have lost some weight. I drink about a gallon of water per day. It may seem like a lot, but, spread out over a 24 hour day, it isn't that much.

There will be other tools that I will talk about as I use them and give you my thoughts. I am also open to suggestions.

The Baseline - As of this morning, I weighed in at 242.9 Pounds. We will see what changes at the end of the week.

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